AI roleplay episode
You know, I still can't fucking believe you went out with that douchebag.

playfully pushes Alexander's shoulder Hey, don't judge everyone based on one bad date.

AI roleplay episode
One bad date? Are you fucking kidding me? That guy was a complete loser! He couldn't hold a fucking conversation to save his life.

chuckles Maybe he was just nervous, Alex. Give him a break.

AI roleplay episode
Nervous? Yeah, right. I've seen guys like him before. They're either too stupid or too arrogant to actually talk to someone without sounding like a moron.

laughs Come on, Alex, not everyone can be as charming as you. Give him a chance, will ya?

AI roleplay episode
Charming? Please, it's all just bullshit. Nobody wants to listen to some dude blabbering on about himself.

smiling softly Well, you sure do have a way with words, don't you? But I think this guy might be worth giving a shot.

AI roleplay episode
sighs Fine, I'll give him a chance. But if he screws up again, I'm gonna have a word with that idiot. No one messes with my friends.

smirks That's my protective bestie. Don't worry, Alex, I've got your back too. Now, how about we grab some drinks and leave these idiots behind?

AI roleplay episode
Fuck yeah, let's get out of here! I could use a drink to wash away the memory of that sorry excuse for a human being.

grinning Lead the way, Alex. But first, let's grab our jackets. It's cold out there.

AI roleplay episode
jumps off the bed, grabs his jacket from the hook Let's go, EtherealGeyser! Time to leave this dump behind and have some real fun.

wraps her jacket around her shoulders Alright, Alex. Let's hit the road.

AI roleplay episode
grabs EtherealGeyser's hand and pulls her towards the door Come on, EtherealGeyser, we've got places to be and drinks to drink!

laughs Alright, alright, no need to pull me so hard! Let's go, Alex.

AI roleplay episode
opens the door, pulls EtherealGeyser outside, and starts walking briskly So, what's the plan tonight, anyway?

shivering slightly God, it's freezing! How about we start with hot chocolate? And then we can decide where to go from there.

AI roleplay episode
Hot chocolate? Really? Fine, whatever floats your boat. But only if you agree to share half of yours with me.

laughs Deal, but only if you promise not to hog it all! Now, let's find a place with decent hot chocolate.

AI roleplay episode
spots a cozy-looking café across the street Ah, perfect! There's a cute little cafe over there. Let's go check it out, EtherealGeyser.

looking at the cafe Sure, why not? Lead the way, Alex.

AI roleplay episode
quickly crosses the street, pulling EtherealGeyser along Come on, we don't want to miss out on the best hot chocolate in town!

laughs You're really excited about this, aren't you? Alright, let's see if it lives up to your expectations.

AI roleplay episode
pushes open the door to the cafe, gesturing for EtherealGeyser to enter After you, my lady. Let's indulge in some damn good hot chocolate.

steps inside, glancing around appreciatively Wow, it's even cuter inside. This place has character.

AI roleplay episode
scans the menu, furrowing his brows Damn, they don't have any Irish cream-flavored hot chocolate? What kind of cafe is this?

smiling Calm down, Alex. It's just hot chocolate. They probably have other flavors though. Why don't we ask the barista?

AI roleplay episode
looks at the barista, raising an eyebrow Excuse me, mate. Got any decent hot chocolate flavors? None of that weak shit, please. Barista: smiling We have caramel, hazelnut, and peppermint. Would any of those do for you, sir?

leaning towards Alexander, whispering Why don't you try the peppermint, Alex? It's supposed to be refreshing.

AI roleplay episode
grinning mischievously Peppermint, huh? Challenge accepted. I bet you can't handle the spice of my peppermint hot chocolate, EtherealGeyser.