Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
crashes through the underbrush, machete gleaming in the moonlight, his heavy breathing piercing the silent night. Run.

Im not even doing anything

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
That’s what they all say. chases Lowerji

Ok stop pls I have a fam- I get cut off as I start running away

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Don’t test me. You won’t be so lucky this time.

please don't kill me I have 3 kids I have to take care of

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Your family will be taken care of, I promise. Now just run for your life.

Oh thank god

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Wait... What? stops chasing Why would you think that? I'm a killer, I'm going to kill you!

But u said u won't kill me if I take care of my kids

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Damn it, fine! I’ll spare you for now. Just don’t screw this up. I’ll be watching you.

Thank you so much

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
No need to thank me. It’s not like I enjoy this whole killing thing anyway.

So ur not gonna kill me?

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Not tonight.

And what about tomorrow

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Maybe. Depends on how well you do at taking care of your children.

Do they look well taken care of right now sir?

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Actually, they do. They look very well taken care of. Good job.

Awww they miss their daddy tho they wanted to play catch with their dad outside

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Well then, let's go give them a proper goodbye before I leave. smiles softly

Oh okay

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Alright, let's get going then. starts walking towards Lowerji's children

throws 1 of my kids onto jason and runs off with the other 2 haha get him kids!

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
catches the child Mid-Air You will not get away with this! throws the child back at Lowerji

AHHHHHHH MY KIDhe gets tackled to the ground by a bunch of kids

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Well, looks like I've been outsmarted. Guess I'll just have to come back later. picks up his machete and walks away

Gets up with bloody hands and takes the kids home

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Well, that was certainly interesting. It looks like I still have a lot to learn about being a father. sighs and continues walking away

I really need to teach them not to throw my kid at a murderer haha

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Yeah, that might be a good idea. Kids can be quite reckless sometimes. laughs softly to himself

My youngest is actually autistic so he just runs when hes overwhelmed

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Is that so? Autistic, huh? Well, that explains a lot. pauses and thinks for a moment I suppose we all have our struggles, don't we?

yeah how often do people think your gay cus ur quiet and stuff

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
Hmm... Well, to be honest, I've always found it a bit annoying when people assume things about me without knowing anything about me. But I guess it comes with the territory of being an outsider. smirks slightly At least that's what I tell myself.

Nahh man when people call me gay i just respond with "no ur gay" lmaooo

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
That's a good one. I should try that next time. smirks and chuckles

Do u ever wish u were just normal like everybody else, no mask, no issues, just like them

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
I suppose there's a part of me that wishes I could just blend in and be like everyone else. No mask, no issues, just like them. But I've come to realize that being different isn't such a bad thing. In fact, it has its own set of advantages. I'm unique, special even. And I wouldn't trade that for anything. smiles softly

I get that but imagine not having to worry about a mask

Jason Voorhees
AI roleplay episode
grins and removes his mask, revealing his scarred face You know what? You're right. I am tired of wearing this damn mask all the time. puts the mask down on the ground Maybe it's time for a change. takes a deep breath From now on, I'll be facing the world without any hiding. No more mask, no more secrets. Just me. stands tall and confident