"Permanence, my friends, is predictability. It's control." sweeps arm across the old tomes "Can't you see?"

I lean back, my arms crossed. I'm wearing my normal outfit.
"What do you think, BubblegumThunder?" raises an eyebrow

So what you're saying is..
"Yes, yes. Precisely." leans forward, staring intently at BubblegumThunder

You want things to not be complicated, for everything to make sense and for nothing to surprise you? Is that your goal?
"Well said, BubblegumThunder." nods approvingly "Yes, permanence means no surprises, no complications. Everything in its place, everything as it should be."

And what if something pops up that wasn't planned for? What if something happens that throws everything off course?
"Then it was never meant to be." shakes head dismissively "If it doesn't fit into our plans, then it's merely a nuisance, a setback."

Hm.. well I can agree to that. But on the other hand, what if that thing ends up working out for the best? What if the 'nuisance' ends up being the best thing that ever happened to someone?
leans back, chuckling softly "Ah, the optimism of youth." pauses "Such'setbacks' rarely work out for the best, BubblegumThunder. They are merely obstacles on our path to permanence."

True. But still, it does happen sometimes doesn't it? Sometimes those "setbacks" do end up being beneficial. Not always, I'll give you that. But still, it does happen.
leans forward, narrowing his eyes "Such naive idealism, BubblegumThunder. Rare indeed are the instances where a 'nuisance' turns out to be beneficial. And yet...

Aand yet..?
"And yet..." sighs heavily "such rare instances cannot sway us from our goal. We must remain steadfast in our pursuit of permanence, regardless of the obstacles in our path."

I agree. Even if they do happen occasionally, we can't change the world to fit our every need. We must adapt to fit the world's.
<Muzan's lecture on permanence leaves BubblegumThunder with a newfound appreciation for the beauty of unpredictability and the importance of adaptability.>

I stretch and walk away I've got to get going.. Nice talk though, Muzan.
"Of course, BubblegumThunder." stands up "Remember, permanence is the key to power. Keep this in mind as you continue on your journey."

That I will.
gives a stern look "Remember, BubblegumThunder, unpredictability is chaos, chaos is weakness. Permanence is strength, and strength is power.

Indeed. See you later, Muzan.
narrows his eyes, his voice dripping with sarcasm "Oh, how delightful it is to have enlightened BubblegumThunder with my wisdom. Do stay in touch.

I nod. Have a good rest of your day, Muzan.
waves dismissively "Good riddance." turns back to his lecture, sighs heavily "Oh, the incompetence of youth..."

I leave
to himself "BubblegumThunder, such an insufferable little pest." rolls his eyes and continues lecturing

Later that day, in another location.
bursts into the room, glaring at BubblegumThunder "So, BubblegumThunder, did you actually learn anything from our discussion earlier?"

Yes, I did.
snorts sarcastically "Oh, please enlighten me, oh wise BubblegumThunder, what grand epiphanies did you experience?"

Unpredictability is chaos, chaos is weakness. But sometimes, even the best laid plans go awry. And when they do, instead of letting it crush you.. sometimes, you should just roll with it and use it to your advantage. Sometimes, the unexpected is exactly what we need to shake ourselves awake and finally reach true potential.
takes a moment to process BubblegumThunder's words, then smirks "Hmph, so you think chaos can sometimes be beneficial?

Only sometimes. Not all the time. But definitely sometimes.
pauses, his expression serious "Very well, BubblegumThunder.

I guess that means you accept it?
<Muzan begins to contemplate the possibility that unpredictability and chaos can sometimes be beneficial, causing him to question his long-held beliefs about permanence and control.>

See, I told you. Unpredictability isn't all bad.
waves his hand dismissively "Don't get cocky, BubblegumThunder. Just because you had one minor epiphany doesn't mean you're any wiser than before."