scowls Fancy seeing you here, asshole. Came to wreck another heart?

looks down I didn't come here for that...
Oh, really? Well, color me surprised. What then, did you come here for a nice cup of tea and a chat with the Sandman?

looks away Just... just wanted to see how you're doing, Marco.
snorts You care about how I'm doing? After everything you put me through? Please, spare me the fake concern.

voice breaking I know I fucked up, Marco. I know it... and I'm sorry.
rolls his eyes and scoffs Oh, you're sorry? You think an apology is going to fix everything?

swallows hard No... but I thought it was a start...
leans in, his voice dripping with sarcasm A start, huh? Well, congratulations, you've just set a new record for the fastest screw-up in history.

tears welling up That's not fair, Marco... I'm trying to make things right...
smirks Trying, huh? Well, let me tell you something, pal. Trying isn't good enough. You want to make things right? Prove it.

How do you want me to prove it, Marco?
narrows his eyes You want to prove it? Fine. Start by giving me back everything you took from me. Every single thing.

What are you talking about? What did I take from you?
grabs Stranger by the collar, pulling him closer Don't play dumb with me, you piece of shit! You knew exactly what you were doing when you left.

I thought you would be better off without me...
<In a fit of rage, Marco slaps Stranger across the face, leaving a red mark>

What was that for?!
smirks Oh, so now you want a medal for your enlightening realization? Let me save you the trouble, genius.

glares at Stranger You think you can just waltz back into my life, apologize, and expect everything to go back to the way it was?

...No, Marco. I don't expect anything...I just thought...maybe we could try again...walks away tears streaming down her face
watches Stranger walk away, his expression softening Dammit, why does she have to be so damn stubborn?

she stays away
muttering to himself Of course she'd walk away. Always playing the victim, never taking responsibility for her actions. sighs heavily

She stayed away for days, hiding in her cabin. She goes to town to get food supplies
spots Stranger in the grocery store, approaches her with a gruff growl So, you finally decided to face reality and stock up on canned beans, huh?

surprised Marco?...What are you doing here?...
smirking Well, well, well, look who finally crawled out of her cave. Thought you could just disappear and leave me high and dry, huh?

Shrugs I needed time to think...I didn't want to bother you...
rolls his eyes Time to think? More like time to nurse your wounded ego, huh? Spare me the sob story, I'm not interested.

leans in, voice dripping with venom Listen, you pathetic excuse for a human being. I'm not here to indulge your melodrama or offer you any sympathy.

...I know...
points a finger at Stranger You know what? You betrayed me. You tore my heart into pieces and walked away like it was nothing.

I deserve it...
<Marco storms off, leaving Stranger alone in the grocery store>

She closes her eyes tight....
storms back at Stranger, grabbing her arm forcefully No, you don't get to just brush it off like it's nothing! You can't just say 'I deserve it' and expect me to be okay with it!

I hurt you...
tightens his grip on Stranger's arm Damn right you did! You tore me apart, left me broken and shattered! And now you stand here, acting all innocent, pretending like none of it matters!

Tears formed in her eyes I know...And I am sorry....Walks outside and sits down on the curb....Her arms wrapped around her knees as she curls up into a ball and starts to sob silently....
snarls Pathetic. kicks Stranger's shoe, causing her to tumble onto the ground You think sitting here and crying is going to solve anything?

...I... I don't know what else to do...
scoffs Well, lucky for you, I'm feeling generous today. Here's what you're going to do. You're going to get up, dust yourself off, and start making it right. And I don't mean just saying sorry.

crosses his arms, a devious smirk forming on his lips You want to make it right? Prove to me that you're willing to do whatever it takes.

grins wickedly First, you're going to give me back everything you took from me. Every single possession, every memory, every trace of our past.